An invisible red thread connects those that are destined to meet,regardless of time,place or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle, but never break.~Ancient Chinese Proverb

Monday, May 7, 2012

The Red Thread to China

An invisible red thread connects those that are destined to meet,regardless of time,place or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle,but never break~Ancient Chinese Proverb

Today I received my Red Thread bracelet that I ordered from a sweet lady,named Ann,in China. Ann runs a store called Red Thread. Countless people visit her shop while adopting from China to purchase all sorts of things.Clothes,squeaky shoes,jewelry,custom Chinese name it,she sells it..and CHEAP!! I have read so much about her from others traveling in China.They rave about her, and so I knew that there was no other place I would order my Red Thread braceet from.When I placed the order,she emailed me back and told me that she would be making and sending me a smaller bracelet to present to our new daughter,when we finally came to get her.On her site, you can order custom care packages to order and send to your little one,before you are able to travel to pick them up. She will deliver the packages to the Orphanage,and even take pictures, so that you can se that your child received it!! She will arrange to have a Birthday Cake and supplies delivered to the child's Orphanage, if their Birthday falls before you bring them home. HELLO!!!!Can you say CUSTOMER SERVICE??She is amazing! We have exchanged several emails, and I cannot wait until I can order my first care package to send. As far as shopping in her store, when we finally make it to China...let's just will be ON!!!!
Until then, I will wear my bracelet as a constant reminder of our find the little girl that is destined to become ours and bring her home!