An invisible red thread connects those that are destined to meet,regardless of time,place or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle, but never break.~Ancient Chinese Proverb

Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentines Day!!!

What a sweet day! Valentines Day!

I adore this day. Probably because it's all about LOVE, hearts, sweets, kisses, hugs...and it's primary colors are red and pink! It's a pretty glitzy day!

I am fortunate to be surrounded by so much LOVE on this day. My kids, sweet husband and of couse my loving family. My heart is full;bursting..and for that, I am grateful.

I hope that my loved ones know exactly how much THEY are loved. I hope they know how special they are to me, how treasured they are and how much I appreciate all they do for me. They fill my cup. They make me smile, make me look forward to each day,and I just hope that I do the same for them.

Its hard to believe that LAST Valentines Day, my husband and I spent the day in China. We were just a few days away from meeting Mia. Our travel group hadn't arrived yet, and so we spent the day sightseeing. Our guide gave us heads up on a DELICIOUS noodle restaurant nearby, where we enjoyed an amazing meal. Definitely a different way to spend the holiday-away from our Boys, but one that will always be remembered.

Here we are THIS Valentines Day, now together 15 years, and with 3 precious kiddos in our arms. How could you NOT want to celebrate all that love?!!

Since our big snow storm, the Boys were out of school which meant no class parties and exchanging of Valentines, but I'm sure that's on tap for next week, when they return.

We exchanged our own Valentines and spent the day telling each other what they meant to us. The Boys kept getting such a kick out of me asking them all day..."will YOU be my Valentine??"

""Yes, mom...ok....I will...."
That's boys for ya.

Daddy took the Boys out for a little solo time to see the Lego Movie, while Miss Priss and I stayed home and "bonded".

We hope that whatever your situation is, that you find LOVE in your day. 
Remember that of all of those who can and will love us, HIS love is the most important. Always unconditional, never failing, always there.

Happy Happy Valentines Day, from my little loves to yours!!!!


Thursday, February 13, 2014

Created for care Conference

This weekend I had the amazing experience of attending my FIRST created for care conference in the beautiful state of Georgia. 

The Conference for Adoptive and Foster Moms gave me the chance to meet and connect with 500 other women in the same season of life as myself. What a group of women! 

This group consisted off Mothers who have adopted both Domestically as well as internationally, who are currently or have fostered children, and even women who are simply PRAYING about Adoption...
Let's just say I bet some dossiers were started after leaving this conference!

Hearts were opened, tears were cried (oh BOY were they cried!), faith was restored and visions were made more clear. 

Oh how I needed this.

During our adoption process, thanks to modern day technology, I was able to connect with women all over the country that were also in the process of adopting children from China. Bonds were formed and before we knew it, we felt like far-await Sisters. We have rallied with each other, cheered each other on from afar as we each traveled that big ole Ocean to meet our babies..
We have also cried with each other as we met attachment and binding struggles along the way. 
Well....give us all the opportunity to actually MEET face to face..hug each other's necks and chat....
We were there!!!

We all stayed up until midnight the night that Registration for the conference opened up. We grabbed our spots, secured the dates..and began marking the days off of our calendars.

We were all together!!!!

This conference was amazing! There were breakout sessions that you signed up for individually, depending on what you wanted to really "focus" on for the weekend. There were group speakers who tore at our hearts, and opened our eyes even more to the Orphan spirit. They fed us, emotionally and that when it was time to leave, we were renewed...

While I took away more than words can describe from this conference, I will share with you what resonated the most with me.. The words came from a speaker at the conference during one of the "ask the panel" sessions. 
Earlier that weekend, I had shared with one of the ladies, how, now that Mia is home and settled,  my thoughts drift to the future. Her future. I begin to worry about the questions that will come (because we all know they will!). I have lately, longed to connect with an adult Asian woman who has been adopted, herself. I long to talk with her. To ask her what her thoughts are on being an adoptee...and what she wishes her Aadoptive parents would tell her.
God must have heard my desires....
Because that's exactly who he put on the panel!

I got the pleasure of hearing the amazing words from Carissa Woodwyk who was adopted from Korea as an infant. She wept as she read us the letter she once wrote to her Adoptive mother. What she WISHES she had been told. While she admits that years ago when her adoption took place, many details were left unknown; she admitted that she wished her Adoptive Mother would have told her what she DID know...and most importantly..(and this is what brought the tears..).  That she would have just held her while she cried and said those 3 words...."I don't know"

Don't be afraid to simply say..."I don't know..."

This meant more to her than anything. It meant nothing was being swept under the rug. Details weren't being avoided. Sometimes you just don't have the details...and that's ok...

After returning home from the conference, I sent Carissa an email, telling her exactly what that story meant to me. How I needed to hear those words; that perspective; and how much her emotions touched me. She was so kind to send me the sweetest reply....

We also got to hear 3 sessions by the AMAZING Beth Guckenberger, founder of BacktoBack Ministries. Oh, her stories.... I could have listened to her for hours..and hours. One if the first things I did upon returning home, was to order her book. She is truly a remarkable woman, with a huge heart for the Fatherless. 

I loved as she spoke to us about trying to find the unforced rhythm of Grace. 
Definitely something I need more if in my life. More Grace for my children. More Grace for my marriage. More Grace for my friends.
More Grace for MYSELF.

I will take so many things away from that weekend...and look forward to next year...where I'm sure there will be new challenges and advice I long to hear.

Until next year, ladies...,.


Catching up...(in other words...a camera dump)

We wWhen I look back through my camera trying to remember JUST what we've been up to this past month, it seems just easier to explain with pictures. Because..let's face it...I take a lot of them.

We've spent the month doing a little baking...

Some cuddling and playing....

Some snoozing...

Some crying...(hey....we're 2!!)

And lots and lots of smiling.....

We celebrated Chinese New Year with some other local adoptive Families who have Children from China. It's the year of the Horse!!
Hard to believe last Chinese New Year we were in China, preparing to meet our Daughter! I can renember the decorations throughout the city...and the sound of fireworks being set off, around the clock! Pretty special to get to experience it....

NYC in Winter

Can you believe that this Southern Girl has NEVER been to New York City? 

Well, that all changed last month, as my hubby surprised me with a trip there! He had to be there on Business, and so thanks to some awesome Grandparents (Holla!!), momma got to join him!!

What an amazing City! So busy. Everything is RIGHT there. The food. The shows. The SHOPPING ! Oh Lawd....I was in heaven! And it didn't hurt that 10 inches if snow fell on our last day there, canceling our flight and keeping us "trapped" for an extra day....

We took care of the kiddos back home by visiting FAO Schwartz...

Look, Mimi! We even visited China Town!!

Oh, I had so much fun! Can't wait to visit this big ole City again!!