An invisible red thread connects those that are destined to meet,regardless of time,place or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle, but never break.~Ancient Chinese Proverb

Monday, May 13, 2013

Mother's Day

I want to begin this post by wishing a Happy Mother's Day to all of the Mothers who selflessly give all they have to their Children. No matter how tired, frazzled, sick or worn out they are; Mothers stay the course. They don't get to "take a day off", "call in sick", "have a bad day"....they keep on truckin, taking care of their babies. They carry the load of the family, making sure the meals are made, the clothes are washed, the butts are wiped, the teeth are brushed, the boo-boos are kissed and the night time prayers are said. A Mother's love for her children transcends all other loves. It never waivers and can be felt far after the two become separated. My wish is that all of my sweet Mother friends enjoy THIS day and remember how blessed we are to have this title of MOTHER.
I also want to send up a special prayer for those who long to BECOME Mothers; those who struggle with infertility. Along our adoption journey, I was privileged to meet so many families, who all came to adoption through different avenues. Some of those families struggled with infertility for years, unable to conceive on their own, and now are celebrating their first ever Mother's Day, with their newly adopted child. For those out there who still find themselves mother-less, continue to find faith in the promise that you WILL find your child...while you may go on to not bear children of your own, you may find that you WILL fill a motherly role for SOMEONE along your journey...perhaps a friend, an elder, or an unrelated child. Do not lose heart in that promise.
I also send my thoughts to those who have lost their Mother. My Mother passed away almost 14 years ago. While each Mother's Day is difficult, I chose several years ago to not focus on the Mother I have lost, but to appreciate the fact that I have become a Mother, myself. Definitely changed my somber perspective. I would spend those early Mothers Day completely depressed. Having to buy Mothers Day cards for the other women in my life just broke my heart. I should be buying MY Mother a card..not someone else. But once I had my own Children, I realized that my focus on this special day needed to shift. Sure, I miss my Mom dearly..but this day is also to celebrate the title of being a Mom..and boy, am I blessed to carry that title. It's a day to celebrate the family that I helped create, the Mother that I am to my precious children. It';s also a day to Celebrate those extraordinary women in my family that I still have here to Aunt, my Grandmother. I love these women more than anything and am so fortunate to have them here to celebrate. The women remaining in my family have all rallied together and fill that motherly void in my life. They were there right beside me when I got married, present for the births of my Boys, my was only fitting that my dear Aunt was even WITH me when we got our referral call about our sweet baby girl's file!!. They are there with me through every big event. They give me advice, a shoulder to cry on, an ear when I need to vent (poor things!!). I love these women with all of my heart, and so I decided to spend my Mother's Days thanking God for THEM.

My sweet husband always does the BEST job at making our special holidays mean so much. Whether its my Birthday, Anniversary or Mothers Day..he makes sure that it is extra special. Yep, I would definitely say I'm one spoiled Momma!

This year, I woke to a beautiful arrangement of flowers, some sweet homemade gifts from my sweet Boys (which, yes..included a recordable Christmas Charlie Brown book??) (Not sure where that idea came from? But I love it...), a new mini IPAD, since my original IPAD is most often confiscated and held for ransom by one of the Boys. My hubby even had my new mini engraved on the back..."Mommy's IPAD...Do Not Touch!!"..Gotta love that!!! We enjoyed a beautiful morning at Church, a lovely afternoon on the boat and my favorite meal cooked for dinner by my sweet hubby....

It was a perfect Day!!

Of course, I am so happy to celebrate THIS Mothers Day as a Mother of 3. Our sweet girl is the Daughter I have always longed for. She has filled a place in our hearts that had remained empty, and I am beyond blessed to be her Forever Mother.

As I go to bed tonight, I will say 2 prayers. One to my Mother, who I know is looking over me everyday. She has watched my every move and will always have a part of my heart. The other prayer will go up to our sweet girl's Birth Mother. We will never meet, she will most likely never know her Daughter, but nonetheless, she is the MOTHER of my child. She carried her, labored with her, delivered her and because of circumstances beyond her control, was forced to leave her where she could be found and hopefully raised by another. She gave her LIFE so that we could give her LOVE......

A Mother's Love never fails......
