An invisible red thread connects those that are destined to meet,regardless of time,place or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle, but never break.~Ancient Chinese Proverb

Thursday, February 13, 2014

This poor blog....

This poor old blog....

So neglected.

I mean, it's pretty bad when you get so far behind on it, that you have to scroll thru your camera to see all the things that have happened since your last post, just to know what your NEXT post should be about.

I began this blog 2 years ago, to chronicle our adoption journey. I wanted to have a way to keep my family and friends updated while we traveled. I thought I MAY be able to keep it going for 6 or 8 months after we were home...but didn't really have much hopes after that. And here we are approaching a year of having Mia home! and the posts are slipping. Let's face it...this momma is tired by the end of the night. It's so much easier in the world of email and Facebook, to snap a quick picture with a caption, click POST, and boom...everyone is caught up. 
But then I am reminded of the OTHER reason that I started this blog. To bring AWARENESS to Adoption. If ONE family could read this blog, hear our story and take that leap of Family to add to their was worth it. And that has happened. I have been contacted by SO many people who have randomly found our blog, or stumbled across it through a link on our Adoption Agency's Webpage, and have decided that Adoption was for THEM, because of reading about US. Worth every word I've typed.

I still am amazed at the emails I get of those still tuning in; people I will never meet; who still want to hear what I write. Worth it. 

I don't want the SOLE purpose of this blog to be just about our precious daughter. I mean, our boys count too. They deserve to be bragged on, talked about....have a post all to themselves....and so, as we draw to a close our first year with Mia home, I will try to make this Blog more about our EntIRE FAMiLY...

Don't get me wrong, you're going to hear my advocacy for Adoption and these sweet children who need HOMES. It has become such a passion of mine, that it's hard to ignore. I will talk about ways to FEED one, HOST one, SPONSOR one, PrAY for one, and yes...ADOPT one....but I will try to mix it up..

The posts may come more spaced out, but my New Years Resolution is going to be to TRY and get better with sitting down to blog....

We have a busy life, a fun life, one that I believe deserves sharing....and so I'll try not to disappoint..

Thank you, to those of you who continue to follow along.....

Ok, while I'm on a roll...let me pull the camera out and take a jog down memory lane (or....the last month....);-))

Stay tuned!!
