I adore this day. Probably because it's all about LOVE, hearts, sweets, kisses, hugs...and it's primary colors are red and pink! It's a pretty glitzy day!
I am fortunate to be surrounded by so much LOVE on this day. My kids, sweet husband and of couse my loving family. My heart is full;bursting..and for that, I am grateful.
I hope that my loved ones know exactly how much THEY are loved. I hope they know how special they are to me, how treasured they are and how much I appreciate all they do for me. They fill my cup. They make me smile, make me look forward to each day,and I just hope that I do the same for them.
Its hard to believe that LAST Valentines Day, my husband and I spent the day in China. We were just a few days away from meeting Mia. Our travel group hadn't arrived yet, and so we spent the day sightseeing. Our guide gave us heads up on a DELICIOUS noodle restaurant nearby, where we enjoyed an amazing meal. Definitely a different way to spend the holiday-away from our Boys, but one that will always be remembered.
Here we are THIS Valentines Day, now together 15 years, and with 3 precious kiddos in our arms. How could you NOT want to celebrate all that love?!!
Since our big snow storm, the Boys were out of school which meant no class parties and exchanging of Valentines, but I'm sure that's on tap for next week, when they return.
We exchanged our own Valentines and spent the day telling each other what they meant to us. The Boys kept getting such a kick out of me asking them all day..."will YOU be my Valentine??"
""Yes, mom...ok....I will...."
That's boys for ya.
Daddy took the Boys out for a little solo time to see the Lego Movie, while Miss Priss and I stayed home and "bonded".
We hope that whatever your situation is, that you find LOVE in your day.
Remember that of all of those who can and will love us, HIS love is the most important. Always unconditional, never failing, always there.
Happy Happy Valentines Day, from my little loves to yours!!!!