An invisible red thread connects those that are destined to meet,regardless of time,place or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle, but never break.~Ancient Chinese Proverb

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Mother's Day 2012

Mothers Day is always bittersweet for me.On one hand, I am reminded how blessed I am to be a Mother. For as long as I can remember,all I have ever wanted to be were 2 things...a Wife and a Mother...and today, I am both. There is nothing that makes me happier than being a Mom. I love my Boys to no end. We are blessed to have 2 carbon copies of each of us. They bring an indescribable joy to my life,like I had never imagined possible. On the other hand, I find myself dwelling on the Mother that I have lost. Sadly, my Mom died in 1999. Her passing left a hole in my heart that is slow to heal. As the years go by,sometime I doubt it will ever heal. You see, my Mom and I were extrememly close~two peas in a pod. Perhaps that is one of the reasons that I long for a Daughter of my own so badly. To re-create this amzing relationship that I had with my own Mother. Those who have a Daughter,will tell you, there is nothing like having a little girl.Ever since we were married, Brian has known my desire to have a Daughter. I am so grateful that he understands this desire and has allowed us to go on this long journey to find her. Perhaps I need her to help fill a void that I have in my heart. Perhaps I need her to complete the things that my Mom and I never got around to doing. Or prehaps, its something greater....perhaps SHE will need me as much as I need her. We will both need each other. Whatever the reason that brings her to us;this I know....she will be a Mommy's girl, an over protected little sister,and Daddy's China Princess.
On a lighter note, we got to spend the weekend with my amazing Granparents. I love these 2 people more than anyhing. They are like parents and grandparents rolled into 1. I am so fortunate for my Boys to have their Great Grandparents around. They are so lucky to know them.

enjoy some photos from the weekend..the unveiling of the snowblobe and fan (she needed it!!),the boys by the water, and my presents (including a new tube for the boat) just what I wanted!!!