An invisible red thread connects those that are destined to meet,regardless of time,place or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle, but never break.~Ancient Chinese Proverb

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Memorial Day 2012

We spent the Memorial Day holiday with an enjoyable visit from Brian's Mom, Dad and Grandmother. We dont get to see them. as often as we would like and so the Boys thoroughly enjoyed having them here. Brian loves to cook and so we spent the weekend with lots of great food and fellowship. Nick took a fall during a field trip at school and so we made our first ever trip to the Emergency clinic for xrays. He was a little scared at first, but then began really "milking" the whole experience. He had those nurses and Doctor in the palm of his hands. Luckily, he only suffered a bad sprain, but we left with a splint and crutches....which he has put to good use at home.
Everytime a holiday or special even comes around, I can't help but thinking that with God's guidance, we will have our new little girl here with us next year to celebrate these special events. It is so funny, whenever we sit down at the dinner table as a family, Alex will look to his right at the empty chair, and say "Look, Somebody is missing". Brian and I just smile and glance at each other, because we know EXACTLY who he is talking about. Ever since we began talking to our Boys about our plans to adopt a little girl and make her our own, they immediately scooped up the idea and ran with it. They talk about "their little sister in China" who waits for us all of the time. To hear them speak of her;a faceless child at this point;warms my heart. We are blessed to have 2 incredibly stable, secure happy boys, who are so ready to be a Big brother to this sweet little girl!!

please enjoy some photos from the weekend. i think my favorite is the one of Nick comparing his crutches to his 92 year old Great Grandmothers walking cane!!