His fortune cookie, the night before, gave a good indication that it was going to be a great day.
He has been training for his first 5K and was so excited when it was finally time to RUN the big race!
Each child needed a sponsor to run alongside with him, so we asked his Grandfather (64 and strong) to accompany him, and he graciously agreed. (That meant lots of training for Papou, too!!)
Race Day was here and we were all ready to go support our Boy!!
They were ready, and it was GO TIME!
He took a spill somewhere along the course, which broke his confidence a little, but Papou kept pushing him through the race and he finished strong!
It added to his finish time, but we were just so happy that he pushed through to complete the Race.
We anxiously waited to see him turn that last corner and cross the finish line. Woo hoo!!!
We are beyond proud!
He is anxious to begin training again, and run it again in the Fall.