An invisible red thread connects those that are destined to meet,regardless of time,place or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle, but never break.~Ancient Chinese Proverb

Monday, March 31, 2014

Ready for Spring!!!

Anyone else out there ready for Spring? Can I get an amen??

I am OVER Winter.
This Momma needs some Vitamin D and some heat! Now!

Thank goodness the calendar finally says Spring has officially begun. Now we just need Mother Nature to prove it.

We are supposed to have a week in the 70's and low 80's this week, which has me beyond excited; although our nights and mornings are still pretty cold. Holding our breath as we usually can expect one more good freeze around Easter.... But then it should warm up and STAY warm. 

That means flower shopping, toe nail paintin', Spring cleaning, bike riding, shorts on, boat rides and allergy sneezes.... And I'll gladly take em ALL!!!

The kiddos are just as ready as their Momma.
They LoVe being outdoors and can't wait until it becomes a daily activity..

We've been blessed to have some sweet visits from Family and even squeezed in a quick trip to our beach house. 

It's been a rough month for us emotionally as we have gone through some family struggles and had to say "goodbye" to some who we thought would always be a part of our lives. They say that Time heals all wounds ,and me, being the eternal optimist, hopes for things to turn around and mend themselves. But, in the middle, I am remaining strong in my Faith, knowing that those who WANT to be there, WILL be... And you can't force those who don't. It's been a hard lesson to learn, and one that is even harder to explain to Children. Remaining faithful as scripture says "And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, and those who are called according to his purpose" Romans 8:28

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to god, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Jesus Christ." Philippians 4:6-7

Oh how true that verse is.

I go to it with every trial and tribulation that I face, handing it over to HIM.. Knowing that he will take my worries, leave me with grace ,and in the end ,that HIS will will be done....
Total surrender.

Whew ... Just unloading my heart, there.

I'll close this blog post with my most sincere hope that all of you that still occasionally check in on this ole blog are HAPPY.... 
Smile, hug those that are close to you, call those that are not, and nurture all of the relationships that mean the most to you!!!!
