Holy Batman......
We have been busy! It seems as if there is always something to celebrate around here!
We do it BIG, getting excited about EVErYThIng....and yes, there's always a reason for a cake...or two..
Since both Boys Birthdays fell a month apart, they graciously decided to have a joint Birthday party. They share so many friends and so it just made sense to have ONE big party. And where else would we have it..except for the Boys Karate Dojo.
Yep..that meant lots of BOyS, lots of SWEATING, lots of NOISe and lots of FUN!!!!!
The Boys had a blast celebrating with their buddies and ohh boy..the GIFTS!!! It was like Chritmas..in September!!!
We also celebrated 7 months since Mia's Gotcha Day! She continues to just find her place here in her home, with her family. We couldn't be more happier with the progress she has made, and we couldn't imagine our lives without her!!
Hope things are staying busy and fun in your house!!