An invisible red thread connects those that are destined to meet,regardless of time,place or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle, but never break.~Ancient Chinese Proverb

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

22 months!!

Look who's 22 months old today!!!

You are growing SO big, right before our eyes!!!

Love you SO much!!!!

Blessings, Angie

Five is Fabulous

This week, our sweet Boy turned Five!
Can I just tell you HOW excited he was about his Birthday???

Growing up, my Mom always made our Birthdays out to be like National Holidays. I mean, they kind of ARE, in terms of a household...right???

I get so excited over Birthdays, and I hope the excitement that WE show, rubs off on our Children. I hope they ALWAYS look forward to THEIR own special Day...and I matter HOW old they ALWAYS celebrate big!!!

Of course...big brother woke us up to get the Party started. Gifts were first on the agenda. Hey...breakfast and school can WAIT!!
We took special Birthday cookies and goodies to school, to keep the Celebration going. And then ended our evening with MORE sugar and singing.

It was such a special Day, and we were reminded MANY times, that he will NEVER be 4 again!!!

As we wrapped up the day, I pulled out some old albums and began to look back at our sweet Boys past 4 years. What a Blessing. He made his entrance early one morning, taking me off guard with surprise..and he has been surprising me ever since.

He is witty, smart , funny.(oh he funny). He is most definitely a mini-me of his Daddy. I often remind my husband of this when he starts to fuss at him. Ummm...(enter throat clearing)... The apple doesn't fall far from the tree;-))

Thought I would share just a few of my favorite photos from his past years....
He is here!!!!!

His Big Brother was so loving and gentle with him.
Getting his "Greek" on...time to get Baptized!!!!
Birthday Cake...not a fan....then;-)))
Making sure his stuffed animals stay "hydrated"....
Filling his role as an awesome Big Brother...

Sweet Alex, we love you beyond measure. You make us laugh everyday. We pray that you will grow to be a happy, healthy young man. That you will always know the love of a God, and the love of your family, all the while, loving others.

We are so proud to be your Mommy and Daddy!!

Birthday Blessings,

Birthdays, Parties and Life...

Holy Batman......


We have been busy! It seems as if there is always something to celebrate around here!
We do it BIG, getting excited about EVErYThIng....and yes, there's always a reason for a cake...or two..

Since both Boys Birthdays fell a month apart, they graciously decided to have a joint Birthday party. They share so many friends and so it just made sense to have ONE big party. And where else would we have it..except for the Boys Karate Dojo.

Yep..that meant lots of BOyS, lots of SWEATING, lots of NOISe and lots of FUN!!!!!

The Boys had a blast celebrating with their buddies and ohh boy..the GIFTS!!! It was like September!!!

We also celebrated 7 months since Mia's Gotcha Day! She continues to just find her place here in her home, with her family. We couldn't be more happier with the progress she has made, and we couldn't imagine our lives without her!!

Hope things are staying busy and fun in your house!!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

This old shirt...

This old belongs to my husband.
He had the shirt before we even met, so it's pretty old...maybe 18 years??

Hanging in the closet, it blends in with all of the rest..

On the just looks like any old shirt. Held up well over its years of Washings and wears. Regular old shirt.

But this shirt has holds such sentimental value to us. I don't think we will EVER be able to get rid of it.

Rewind back o August 3, 2005. 
Brian is working out of town while I decide its time to have a baby. Yep. Now. B races 3 hours back home just in time to welcome our 1st born Son into the world. He's wearing THIS shirt.

Move forward a few years to September 24, 2008. 
We are fast asleep and it s 1:30am. I wake suddenly to find,'s time again. Here comes our baby. We throw on clothes and rush to the hospital. It's not until we are settled in the delivery room and things are somewhat settled, that I glance at my husband to see...he's wearing THE shirt. He remembered he had worn it for Nick's birth. Ohh, I'm gushing. What a sweet gesture.

Over the years, we talk here and there about how special this shirt is. The Boys get a kick out of knowing that their Daddy wore it for BOTH of their entrances into the world.

Fast forward February 18, 2012. A hotel room in China. We are getting ready to board a bus that will take us to meet our Daughter for the first time.. He's wearing THE shirt. Tears start to pour from my eyes. This man, who is stoic, strong and not at all wearing THE shirt. All I could do was cry. He looks at me and just casually says.."I couldn't NOT wear it. It's THEIR shirt. For ALL of them". Well, Ifeel bad in admitting that I later asked him to change the shirt. I know. I know. Sounds bad. But we felt like for this "meeting", we needed to be dressed up. This old shirt was now turning "ratty", even has a small hole in the crest. And so for this "official occasion", I felt that he should not wear the shirt. Not to mention the fact that it was about 20 degrees in China that day. And so, while my heart was completely overwhelmed that he had brought THE shirt all this way, I felt it was better worn on another day..where there would be less "official" photos taken.
And so, here, you'll see, he's wearing another shirt...

I've washed this old shirt a million times. Hang it in the closet with all the others...but it is my favorite shirt of all.....we will never discard of it, and it will always hold a place in our hearts..

Do you own a piece of clothing that has sentimental value?? What is it and why?


Sunday Snapshot

Here's a little cuteness, for your Sunday....


Saturday, September 14, 2013

Birthdays, First Days and such.....

as a I sit down to type this post  to catch you all up from our last several weeks, it seems to have all gone by like a blur. Where did Aug go? And how are we ALREADY into the middle of September? Holy Smokes...hold on Summer!!

Well, since my last post, we said our goodbyes to August, and hello to September by celebrating "The Man"'s Birthday. My amazing hubby turned 40-something and we celebrated with our little family, over presents and cake.(yep.....he got more of those tacky superhero tees that he loves so much!)

Our middle blessing started his first day of 5K and OH boy was he excited!!! He is attending the same sweet private Church 5K that NIck attended, and we couldn't be happier with all that it promises. He just couldn't wait to FINALLY be able to carry and bookbag and lunchbox! He loves his new school, new teachers and all new friends. We pray that this year brings lots of new experiences and that he grows academically and spiritually during his time there.

Little Miss doesn't know what to do without her sidekick home with her during the day, but you can be assured that as soon as he gets home, she is ALL OVER him!! They just adore each other, and the sight of them together just reaffirms by believe that "God sets the lonely in Families"....

WE are soaking up every last weekend that allows us boat rides and lake swims. Our warm weekends will quickly be coming to an end, but we're going to take advantage as long as they last!

Along with her Early Intervention sessions, we have also begun Speech Therapy for MIa. We love our Therapist, who has worked with lots of Cleft kiddos, and we are anxious to start meeting some of the small goals we have set for her. At the moment, since she is not verbal (other than just babbling), we are working on getting her to use sign language to tell us things. THe thought is that if she can atleast communicate with us that way, she less likely to get frustrated. She's picking up the sign language pretty well and staring to be able to tell us what she wants. WE ahve seen lots of improvement with her fine motor skills, just from working with more toys, that urge her to actually "do things", like put thngs in, take things out, stack, sort, etc. She is moving right along and seems to rise to each challenge that we give her.

Next up on the calendar....Alex will turn 5 in a few weeks and the Boys will celebrate with their joint Birthday Party. Alex couldn't be more excited about turning 5--like it's a right of passage, or something! They are excited about their upcoming Party and getting to see all of their friends, who are all scattered around at different schools now.

Well, I hope that you all are enjoying this last full week of Summer! We definitely made tons of memeories that will carry us through until next year!
