An invisible red thread connects those that are destined to meet,regardless of time,place or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle, but never break.~Ancient Chinese Proverb

Monday, June 24, 2013


Kingdom Rocks. That was the theme of this year's Summer VBS.

The Boys look forward to it each year, and thanks to Nana snagging us a CD and DVD of the years songs, they have the words and motions memorized months before.

This year our church brought over 2,000 kids through VBS during their 3 sessions (am, midday and pm)
That's a lot of kids learning the word of God. That's a lot of faith. That's a lot of promise. That's a lot of hope. That's a lot of ROCKING!!

And that's just what they did....they rocked!!!

This year, our Church participated in several mission projects during VBS. We collected gently used shoes to send to those in need of shoes and collected our annual collection boxes of change to send to Haiti to build a well to provide clean water. The Boys literally wait all year to be able to empty a years worth of collected change, into these boxes and deliver to VBS towards whatever that years missions. This year, just like in years past, the Boys rushed home after their 1st day, ready to fill their boxes and return them the next day

Can't wait for next year to see how many lives will be touched and changed through learning all about God's promise of Love.

The Boys are already guessing about possible themes for next year. We have our guesses....guess we will have to wait to find out!!
