Today we had Mia's pre-op appointment with the Surgeon, where we just basically discussed exactly how they will be repairingthe palate and what to expect afterwards, as far as recuperating. Boy, I THOUGHT I fully understood how the repair would be done...umm..after an extensive explanation, with drawings and diagrams of HOW he would close the palate, I'm probably sorry that I asked. Now
I have a visual of what will be done....connecting, reconnecting, suturing...eeeks....shouldn't have asked:-((. Basically we were told that the hard palate is harder to close than the soft palate, but oddly, the soft palate will be more tender and sore than the hard palate. (FYI....hard palate is towards the front of the roof of the mouth, soft palate is the back of the roof of the mouth). We were told she will be managed with pain medication during our hospital stay and once discharged. Expect lots of blood and drool (yay!!), and PRAY that after about 24 hrs, she begins to want to drink a bottle...that is what will bust us out of the hospital. The longer it takes for her to drink...the longer we stay....
There is a 25% change of the surgery "not taking" and re-opening, but usually that is due to the patient pushing something hard in the mouth after surgery. He said fingers and tongue are your worst enemy after palate surgery..and so we have to watch both, with her....should be easy with a teething, orally fixated 16 month old...right????;-))
Tomorrow, we meet with a Pediatric Urologist to find out what has been going with on with our middle Son. Praying we can finally get some answers, as our poor guy has spent most of the last month in the potty...going...and going...and going......We have ruled out UTI, kidney infections, diabetes, and anything else that could be detected in the blood. Constipation didn't seem to be the culprit (thanks to a weekend trail of laxatives and lots of bathroom fan running). So, tomorrow, we are hoping an ultrasound will reveal the problem and take us towards a road of recovery.
Ok, I'll just make the rest of this post about TOTAL CUTENESS........
Have I mentioned how much this girl LOVES our Dog's chew toys???
Poor Doggy.......
Goofing around with Mommy.....
oh, and I'd like to report that aside from the occasional nightmare that wakes us up 2:15 am and requires a little soothing...we are sleeping GOOD!!! oh well, it's nice to hear all of that is going to go down the tubes now that surgery is looming..oh well...
I hope that you all are having a wonderful week, and that there is plenty of cuteness overload in YOUR house!!!