This morning we woke and headed to the Medical Office for Mia Xin's medical exam. All persons hoping to immigrate to the US must pass a medical exam for entry. They just do a basic ENT exam, height and weight and then quick full body exam. Children over 2 years old must also have a TB blood test. They also took her photo for her Chinese Visa. The exam was pretty quick and painless. Just a little crying when they made us undress her...this girl DOES NOT like to be naked....probably from 14 mos of being layered in snowsuits...maybe she found a sense of security under all of those clothes. She peed all over the exam table once they made her take her undress..and then i was surprised at how they sat there and waited for me to clean it up. In the US, a nurse would have grabbed some towels and taken care of it.Nope. Not here. YOUR KID......YOUR PEE...YOUR MESS!!!
Her exam was good. 16.7 lbs and what they called "tiny" for her age. The Dr noted a persistent rattle in her chest, which we have also noticed since the day we got her. We are hoping that it is the residual of her cold/virus or possibly cleft related due to her swallowing issues. In the back of our minds, we are very concerned that she may could have possibly swallowed more of the plastic that had to be removed from her throat and palate. It wouldn't surprise me if she may have, but when we mentioned our concern,it was brushed off. I swear, NOTHING is deemed urgent around here. Thankfully, we have her scheduled for her complete physical and blood work as soon as we return home, where we will most like request a chest xray and other tests to rule out any other foreign material that she may have ingested.....geez....I cant believe we are even having to worry about this. Definitely wasn't planning on that being a concern.
Kind of had to chuckle when we saw a wine vending machine as we walked into the Medical Exam Building. Guess they figured people would need to drink after that experience.....
Yesterday was Valentines Day in China! Our guides warned us that we may not be able to get a table at any of the local Restaurants because of the crowds eating out for the holiday. So...we played it safe, and had dinner delivered to the hotel.....and it was PERFECT!!!!!
Tonight we went on a dinner cruise through the Pearl River. They light up the entire river at night and it is simply beautiful. Mia Xin did great which made it even more enjoyable. The weather was great, the sights were amazing, and the food was SO SO. There was a juggler, too.
Here are some pics from the night!!
OHHHH!!! And..guess who turned 15 months old today????
Sorry for the lag in posts, but Internet is very spotty here. Still unable to see or read any posts on Facebook. Thank goodness for being able to occasionally facetime our Boys. Thank the Lord.......4 MORE SLEEPS until we leave!!!!!
We are SOOOOO ready to come home!!!!
Thanks for following along!!
Blessings from China,