So....what have we been up to??
Trips to the Zoo...dinner at our Annual Greek Festival..OPA!!!,
Muffins 4 Mom's at Alex's Preschool, swimming, fishing and just enjoying our time together as a family.
We have a Big Birthday coming up next week.....Alex turns 4! we will celebrate at school with his little buddies and also at home, as a family!
we also have another holiday coming up that we will be celebrating, for the first time, this year. On Sept 30, marks the Mid Autumn Festival in China. This day is their equivalent to our Thanksgiving, here in America. On this day, people in China celebrate all that they have with family and close friends. It is a tradition to eat and gather outdoors and to gaze up at the moon, giving all of their thanks to the heavens. And so, we plan to celebrate on that day, as well. It only felt this is the country where our future daughter waits for us. She is sleeping under the same moon and stars..and so on that night of celebration..we will add an extra prayer...just for her!